Tax Comparisons:


1695 Mean Tax Ratio 1695 Median Tax Ratio
Pro-Parris 10.88 .72 Pro-Parris 8.00 .71
Anti-Parris 15.14 Anti-Parris 11.25
1700 Mean Tax Ratio 1700 Median Tax Ratio
Pro-Parris 14.78 .99 Pro-Parris 12.00 1.00
Anti-Parris 14.93 Anti-Parris 12.00
Pro- and Anti-Parris Tax Ratios 1695-1700

Comparing the descriptive statistics data of 1700 with that of 1695 shows the rebound of Parris's supporters five years after the petitions circulated (and a few years after Parris had stepped down).

By 1700, those who had defended Parris equaled the wealth of witchcraft's opponents, whether measured by average or median taxes. To be sure, the faction members recorded as paying taxes in the two years are not identical. This particularly the case for the anti-Parris group in 1700, a number of whom were too young in 1695 to pay taxes. Nevertheless, the results are strongly suggetive that the pro-Parris downturn in 1695 was temporary.

Users can also compare the average and median taxes of the pro-Parris and anti-Parris factions for this period to that of the entire Salem Village community.

The relative economic condition of Salem Village's factions in 1700 can be placed in the context of developments since 1681. Click Next.